Uganda’s poor and refugee children
In Uganda
- 42 % people live with less than 2 dollars a day
- About 1.2 million are refugees.
As a community sponsor, you help very poor children or youth that are very poor or youth that have fled the terrors of war as refugees, to continue their schooling.
Uganda is a very poor country, it’s among the least developed countries in the world. Girls get married at a very young age which increases drop-outs from school. Girls also drop out from school because of their periods. The poorest can’t afford to buy sanitary napkins so the girls have to stay at home during their periods. There are also millions of aids orphans in Uganda. They often drop out from school if their relatives are not able to support their schooling.
There are about 1,2 million refugees in Uganda. Bidi Bidi refugee camp situated in northern Uganda is one of the biggest refugee camps in the world. Most of Uganda’s refugees are children. They have dropped out from school because of the conflict. These refugee children, mostly from South Sudan, have witnessed indescribable terrors. The sounds and memories of war still echo in their minds. They are eagerly looking for a safe life.
With your support the poor and refugee children of Uganda have a chance to go to school and attend children’s clubs. You strengthen these children’s right to schooling, health and an adequate standard of living. We train teachers and provide children, youth and adults with psycho social support. Youth and adults also chance to get a livelihood.