Nainen poimii vihanneksia.

An oasis in the middle of the desert

In the middle of the Kenyan wilderness, an oasis has been created. Research results show that clean water and farming practices developed for harsh conditions have resulted in significant change there. Unlike previous generations, children no longer suffer from hunger.

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Crises’ brought Europe together

Today, 270 million people in the world live in need of humanitarian aid. Historically, the figure is at an all-time high. The European Humanitarian Forum brought together a wide range of actors to consider how our continent will respond to the alarming situation.

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Safe food – a prerequisite for life

Access to safe food and clean water is a challenge for many. For the Batwa in East Africa, the changed usage of forests for other purposes has triggered their spiral into misery. In an agrarian country, weather conditions and droughts have varied unpredictably. Sustainable farming methods prevent problems caused by unsafe food.

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Pieni Abram-vauva äitinsä sylissä

Emergency accommodation’s perfect resident

Nineteen-year-old Irene sat at the Zahóny border, waiting to continue onwards. Her mind was in turmoil. Fear, that her baby will enter the world at a train station. For three days, Irene waited for help with her mother and siblings. Before this, they had waited a long time on the Ukrainian side to cross the border.

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Budapestin asema tuntuu seesteiseltä ja kaikki on sinistä.

Budapest Station – a crossroads of hope and despair

Budapest train station has become a crossroads in two weeks. Despair and hesitant hope, uncertainty and fatigue, and goodwill and horror mix into a chaos at Hungary capital’s train station. For some Ukrainian refugees this is a destination, for others a stopover, and only a shaky step in any direction for some.

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